Is Your Shy Child Getting More Withdrawn Due to Strabismus? Contact an Optometrist Now


A shy child can be hard to raise. They are very fun and engaging around you but struggle to connect with others. And you were hoping that school would bring your child out of themselves. However, an eye condition known as strabismus seems to make them even shyer than they were before. Therefore, you need to visit an optometrist to give them the chance of overcoming this condition. How Strabismus Impacts Your Child

13 December 2019

Treatment Options For Diabetic Eye Disease


Uncontrolled blood sugar can affect your eyesight. High levels of sugar slowly damage the blood vessels in your eyes, causing them to leak blood into the eye. Your optometrist will be able to see the damage and leaking during a full eye exam for people with diabetes. This is why having regular eye exams is important for diabetics. The sooner the problem is found, the better the chances your eyesight can be saved.

5 November 2019

Preparing For Lasik Eye Surgery: What To Know


Lasik is a procedure in which the cornea in the eye is repaired and corrected to allow you to see properly. It's a quick procedure that is done in a single day and your vision is drastically improved in just a few days. Before having Lasik eye surgery, there are things you should know and preparations you should make beforehand. Read on for helpful information to prepare you for your eye surgery.

10 June 2019

4 Ways To Fight Back Against Dry Eyes This Winter


Dry eyes can really make wearing contacts a drag. Dry eyes are more common in the winter, when the air is drier inside due to the use of heaters. Here are a few ways to fight back against dry eyes so you can comfortably wear contacts. #1 Add a Humidifier to Your Home It can get really dry in the wintertime, and the use of heaters in your home can make the environment even more dry.

4 February 2019