Learn More About Cataract Surgery And What It Can Do For Your Vision


If you have cataracts, then you may be experiencing any number of symptoms that can range from mild to serious. Below, you can learn more about the symptoms that can come with having cataracts, as well as some of the benefits that come with having cataract surgery. Learn what a cataract is A cataract is a cloudy spot that develops in the eye as a person ages. It is caused by a collection of proteins in the eye that causes clumps.

4 December 2020

3 Signs You're Ready For Bifocals


Bifocals are prescription eyeglasses that enable you to have clearer vision for both close objects and objects that are far away. Many people have difficulty with both near and far-sighted vision beginning in their early forties. For others, this vision problem may come even sooner than that. If you aren't sure if you're ready yet for bifocals, a simple eye exam can help determine what type of prescription you need. Read on for signs that it may be time for bifocals.

17 August 2020